This visa can be obtained by foreigners married to Indonesian citizen and their children or by spouses and children of work KITAS index 312 visa holders (validity and prolongations following the work KITAS holder).
This visa is issued on the following conditions :
- For a period of 5 years (with mandatory annual renewal) for those who officially married to an Indonesian citizen. In this case applicants can apply for KITAP after 3 years of holding KITAS visa.
- For the same period as a KITAS visa of spouse whom officially works in Indonesia.
Family KITAS for Foreigners Married to Indonesian Citizens
You need to get a TELEX to get a Family Visa abroad. Telex should be prepared in advance for a certain Indonesian Consulate / Embassy where applicant is planning to apply and should be approved by the Head Office of Immigration Service of Indonesia in Jakarta. The process of getting TELEX will take around 10 working days.
After the applicant has got the TELEX and family visa type 317 in Indonesian Embassy or Consulate, he/she should submit the passport in Immigration office in next 7 days after arriving to Indonesia.
Applicant Requirements :
- Copy color of Passport (cover and biodata);
- Photo size 4 × 6, 3 × 4 and 2 × 3, respectively 6 pieces (red background);
- Copy color of the marriage certificate or other document issued by Embassy, confirming marriage conclusion with Indonesian citizen.
Sponsor (Husband or Wife) Requirements :
- Copy color of Family Resgister (Kartu Keluarga);
- Copy color of Identity Card (KTP);
- Copy color of Birth Certificate;
- A copy color of Marriage Certificate from Population and Civil Registration Office;
- Bank account statement (at least 3 month)
Documents Required :
- For a period of 5 years (with mandatory annual renewal) for those who officially married to an Indonesian citizen. In this case applicants can apply for KITAP after 3 years of holding KITAS visa.
- For the same period as a KITAS visa of spouse whom officially works in Indonesia.